The Center for Microeconomics Research and Dashboard is back with the launch of our new program “Micro-Economica Talks (MET) Series”. MET Series #3 this time will take the topic with the title “Health & Environmental Economics Series: Long-Term Health Effects From Short-Term Pollution Exposure” which will be held on:
Day, Date: Wednesday, May 10th 2023
Time: 13.30 – 15.30 WIB
Location: Room 5.3 (5th floor) Pertamina Tower FEB UGM & Zoom Meeting (Hybrid)
Nicolau Martin Bassols, Ph.D. (Research Fellow at Monash Business School, Centre for Health Economics)
Novat Pugo Sambodo, S.E., MIDEC. (Lecturer at the Department of Economics, FEB UGM)
Valentino Risali, S.Si., M.Sc. (Lecturer at the Department of Economics, FEB UGM)
The event is open for public, limited seat to offline participants, and will be conducted in English.
Contact person:
Taqy (088290164009)
Instagram Post:
file access:
Abstract: Health & Environmental Economics Series: Long-Term Health Effects From Short-Term Pollution Exposure
We study the effect of a severe pollution exposure event in-utero and in early childhood on respiratory health at older ages. Our context is the Great London Smog (GLS) of December 1952 that led to 4,000 deaths within one week and 12,000 deaths within one year. Data are from the UK Biobank, which includes self-reported and clinical respiratory health measurements for a large sample of people. Using a difference-in-differences event-study methodology, we find that in-utero smog exposure reduces respiratory health in later adulthood by 8% of a standard deviation, with the effect twice as large for those exposed during the first trimester. Importantly, we find that these impacts are economically graded, with adulthood health more negatively affected if born in poorer areas of London. Overall, the paper provides new causal evidence that short-term exposure to air pollution in early life has long-term health implications.
Keywords: London Smog; Developmental origins; Heterogeneity; Social science genetic.
Abstrak: Seri Ekonomi Kesehatan & Lingkungan: Efek Kesehatan Jangka Panjang Dari Paparan Polusi Jangka Pendek
Indikator kesehatan fisik tidak sepenting indikator kesehatan mental saat menjelaskan hasil masa depan anak-anak. Sayangnya, studi menyimpulkan kesimpulan kausal mengenai kondisi ekonomi pada kesehatan mental anak-anak jarang dan umumnya diabaikan. Studi ini menyoroti transmisi antargenerasi dari pengangguran orang tua terhadap kebahagiaan anak-anak. Kami menemukan heterogenitas membedakan hasil kebahagiaan anak-anak ketika mereka terkena pengangguran orang tua. Oleh karena itu, kepuasan hidup beberapa anak diuntungkan, sementara yang lain tidak
Kata kunci: London Smog; Developmental origins; Heterogeneity; Social science genetic.